Reviews and Comments


Joined 1 year, 10 months ago

gay disaster. in possession of several opinions. i will post about books in the language i read them in, which is either english or german. fedi:

ratings are kind of arbitrary at the moment since i don't really have a frame of reference due to not being an avid reader for a good bit now.

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Mr Loverman (EBook, 2020, Penguin Books Ltd) 3 stars

Barrington Jedidiah Walker is seventy-four and leads a double life. Born and bred in Antigua, …

jebbediah barrington walker is a delightful old asshole

3 stars

which is a good thing. somewhat.

the book itself was a decently light read with an interesting story to tell. characters seemed pretty lively. especially barrington, though i don't mean "lively" in a positive way here. he has something to say about everything, and most of it is at least some degree of problematic. which isn't surprising coming from an old man, but even the love of his life morris calls him out on the regular for being just a smidge too cynical.

in the end i don't find myself astonished by this book, but that's not the expectation i was going into it with. i wanted something a bit lighter after bawling my eyes out at the ending of the these violent delights duology and, comparatively, mr loverman delivered on that. i still wouldn't classify it as a light read, because all the characters have some pretty deep-seated struggles. …

Our Violent Ends (Hardcover, Hodder & Stoughton) 5 stars

The heartstopping follow up to These Violent Ends, an imaginative, alluring retelling of Romeo and …

gosh darn it

5 stars

The first book in this duology, I thought, was a bit of a drag. It had an interesting premise, but it meandered for so long without actually doing anything decisive other than setting up the characters. The end felt like a big explosion scene in an action movie.

This book? I was this close to ugly crying in the subway when I finished the last chapter and turned to the epilogue. It improved so much from the first, and by the time the ending happened - which, by the way, puts a great twist on the whole Romeo and Juliet business that's also going on here - I was involved with all the characters. I cared about them. I dreaded what would happen to Roma and Juliette, but when it actually did happen, it felt right nonetheless.

Some minor qualms include the apparent "mentions of the blood feud" quota that …

Dune (1990, Ace Books) 3 stars

Contains appendices and extra material.

expansive universe, exhausting writing style

4 stars

it took me ages to get through this. not because it's bad, probably mostly because i repaired my computer and had.. other things on my mind. but also partly because herbert's style reminds me of tolkien. like, a lot. at least in the sense that herbert really wants you to read his mediocre poetry too.

this isn't bad by any means, and i will surely read on in the future. probably around the time the second movie hits. the characters are fleshed-out and there's surprisingly little overt misogyny for a science fiction book that is, at this point, positively ancient. it's just the constant internal monologuing and then rushing through the actual happenings that gets exhausting after a while.

A Slow Fire Burning (2021, Random House Large Print) 2 stars

When a young man is found gruesomely murdered in a London houseboat, it triggers questions …


2 stars

tried to read this for a book club but when others gave up, i honestly lost the little bit of interest i still had. it's just not enjoyable to read. the characters are constantly miserable and nothing good ever happens in their lives. it just makes you feel depressed while reading.

Scale-bright (2014) 3 stars

"Julienne's aunts are the archer who shot down the suns and the woman who lives …

shallow but promising

3 stars

this book is short and sweet. it tells the story of julienne, the niece of two immortals, finding cautious love to a serpent within a short adventure to heaven. and while the premise is intriguing, the book falters due to its length: many scenes could have, should have, been given a bit more time to breathe. introductions of characters feel rushed and by the end we are left with what is a story arc about finding courage in love, but just barely. especially disappointing since the wlw dynamic (pretty much everyone in this book is lesbian) is lovely and could've benefitted from some more depth.

the appendices, which consist of three short story that serve as a kind of prequel to the main story, provide context and a lot of verbose language, perhaps due to its rooting in chinese folklore. especially the second one, woman of the sun, woman of …

exit RACISM (German language, 2018, UNRAST Verlag) 4 stars

Obwohl Rassismus in allen Bereichen der deutschen Gesellschaft wirkt, ist es nicht leicht, über ihn …

guter einstieg in antirassismus

4 stars

exit racism ist strukturiert wie ein workshop - weil es einer ist. tupoka ogette bringt seit einigen jahren weißen menschen bei, dass antirassismus mehr heißt, als grüne zu wählen. ihr konzept des "happyland", aus dem man als weißer mensch erst entkommen muss, erinnert mich ein wenig an meine verhaltenstherapie.

der inhalt des buches ist alles in allem gut, ich habe mir viel unterstrichen und hatte auch den ein oder anderen "aha"-moment, allerdings ist hier wenig dabei, was man nicht schon weiß, wenn man sich ein wenig mit der rassistischen geschichte deutschlands auseinandersetzt. dieses buch richtet sich wirklich an die leute, die darüber noch nie nachgedacht haben.

Das Geisterhaus. (German language, 1998, Suhrkamp) 4 stars

Primera novela de Isabel Allende.

La casa de los espíritus narra la saga de una …

magisch, aber von seiner eigenen schwere heruntergezogen

4 stars

Content warning spoilers

Hallo, hört mich jemand? (Paperback, German language, 2020, Edition Assemblage) 4 stars

Während die einen nichts machen müssen, um gehört zu werden, müssen manche anderen so laut …

bissige essay-sammlung

4 stars

ich verfolge sibel schick schon seit einer weile und sowohl ihre kolumnen wie auch ihre social media-präsenz ist, trotz kontroverse, immer wieder ein segen. in dieser essay-sammlung finden sich nun ihre bisher geschriebenen kolumnen wieder, ebenso wie einige eigens für diesen band geschriebene texte. einiges davon bezieht sich auf tagespolitische ereignisse wie den anschlag in hanau oder anti-kurdische äußerungen einer person der öffentlichkeit. das verliert im kontext eines buches ein bisschen seine aktualität. die punkte, die sie hier aufbringt, sind aber nichtsdestotrotz immer aktuell.

im letzten teil geht sie dann nochmal auf persönliche schwierigkeiten, ihre migrationsgeschichte oder ihre adhs-diagnose, ein. hier lernt man noch ein bisschen den mensch sibel schick kennen. als klolektüre oder coffee table book wunderbar geeignet, weniger etwas um sich im bann die nächte um die ohren zu schlagen.

Sly. (Hardcover, German language, 2002, Diogenes) 4 stars

Aus dem Japanischen von Anita Brockmann Als Takashi erfährt, daß er hiv-positiv ist, reist er …

mitreißend in seiner alltäglichkeit

4 stars

nominell gesehen passiert nicht viel in diesem buch. die protagonistin fliegt mit ihren freunden nach ägypten und lässt sich den nil entlangtreiben.

doch zwischen den sehenswürdigkeiten stecken immer wieder kurze momente der reflexion in denen kiyose die eindrücke um sich herum aufnimmt und sich bewusst wird, wie wertvoll das leben, die liebe und alles um sie herum ist. und in solchen momenten ist es schwer, nicht selbst in genau die gleiche melancholie zu fallen. zumal ägypten für so etwas wirklich eine passende kulisse bildet. objektiv gesehen ist "sly" kein aufregendes buch und doch möchte ich so vielen menschen dieses buch in die hand drücken, eben weil sich so viel von einem selbst darin wiederfinden lässt.

These Violent Delights (Hardcover, 2020, Margaret K. McElderry Books) 3 stars

The brilliantly imaginative New York Times bestselling fantasy retelling of Romeo and Juliet set against …

romeo & juliet in 1920s shanghai with an epidemic subplot

3 stars

now does that sound enticing to you? because it sure did to me. i found this book via youtuber xiran jay zhao who recommended it to fans of the industrialized asian aesthetic of republic city in legend of korra. and it does deliver on that in spades. the book really gives a glimpse into the inner workings of a city ravaged by gang violence and further torn apart by european colonialism. there could not be a better setting for a retelling of a shakespeare classic.

the fantasy subplot with the monster that has everyone tearing out their own throats honestly gets in the way of that more than it helps out though and while it does give the characters something to do throughout the sloggish middle of the book, it still feels like it wasn't needed after all. not to mention that it also creates a setup for a sequel …