Optional reviewed Das Licht der Fantasie by Terry Pratchett
Doesn't shine
1 star
Only slightly better than part one.
Full review here.
Paperback, 276 pages
Published Feb. 14, 1998 by Plaza & Janes Editores, S.A..
From the back cover:
In The Light Fantastic only one individual can save the world from a disastrous collision. Unfortunately, the hero happens to be the singularly inept wizard Rincewind, who was last seen falling off the edge of the world....
Only slightly better than part one.
Full review here.
Lo importante de tener muchas cosas que recordar es ir a algún sitio a recordarlas, ¿comprendes? Tienes que detenerte. No has estado en ninguna parte hasta que no vuelves a casa. Eso es lo que intento decir. - Dosflores.