Terry Pratchett: Una vida amb notes a peu de pàgina*

* La biografia oficial

Hardcover, 560 pages

Català language

Published Dec. 6, 2022 by Mai Més.

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5 stars (4 reviews)

Retrat profundament emotiu i personal de la vida extraordinària de sir Terry Pratchett, escrit amb un coneixement de causa incomparable i ple d’anècdotes divertides, aquesta és l’única biografia oficial d’un dels millors autors de la nostra època.

Abans de la seva mort massa precoç, en Terry escrivia unes memòries: la història d’un noi de sis anys al qual un professor va dir que mai no arribaria enlloc, i que es va passar la resta de la seva vida demostrant-li que s’havia equivocat. Perquè en Terry va viure una vida plena de gestes increïbles: convertir-se en un dels autors més venuts i estimats de la Gran Bretanya, guanyar la prestigiosa Medalla Carnegie i rebre el títol de cavaller.

Ara, el llibre que en Terry tristament no va poder acabar, l’ha escrit Rob Wilkins, el seu antic assistent, amic i ara marmessor del llegat literari Pratchett. Aprofitant els seus records extensíssims, juntament …

5 editions

Life through the eyes of a fellow fan.

5 stars

I very nearly didn't become a Terry Pratchett fan, or rather as early as I did, no doubt at some stage I would have been tempted. Not that I wasn't a fully signed up member of the nerd brigade playing both D&D and Warhammer 40K having progressed from the wonderful Fighting Fantasy books of Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson. And I had certainly become a reader of fantasy fiction thanks to my mother offering me her copies of both The Hobbit and Terry Brook's Sword of Shannara. Actually, I can't be too sure that the fact that Mr (as he was then) Pratchett was also called Terry wasn't a factor in me picking up some of his books from the local bookshop in Formby, a small town just north of Liverpool. Also, one of them, The Colour of Magic, was a signed copy which even back then I thought was …